beTWEEN the Bookends is the first monthly book and lifestyle box created for kids by a teen herself! Boxes follow a monthly theme and contain age-appropriate books and lifestyle items that have been read and hand-tested by Jillian, the 16-year-old creator. Full-sized boxes contain 2-3 books and 6-8 lifestyle items, while mini boxes include 1 book and 3-5 lifestyle items. The new gender-neutral boxes will contain the same 2-3 books in the full boxes but will have only 3-5 gender neutral lifestyle items.
The Cost: The Full-Sized box is $55 per month + free US shipping ($50.00/mo for the 12-month subscription track) while the Gender Neutral box is $45 per month. Save with longer subscriptions.
This review is of the beTWEEN the Bookends Tween Full Size Box.
This box was sent to us at no cost to review. (Check out our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

January is here, and I have to say, I am feeling pretty relaxed and rejuvenated! This might in part be due to the fact that our entire family has been in bed before 7:45 the last two nights. But hey, whatever works! Also helping is the fact that Hank's only homework is to read for 20 minutes when he gets home. And this month's beTWEEN the Bookends showed up just in time to give him a couple new options to read! Filled with fun lifestyle items AND two books, this curation was a great way to start off the month and add to our daily reading goals. Read below to find out what January's fun theme included.
First Impressions
The contents of this box are packaged neatly in bright pink tissue paper and sealed with a sticker featuring clip art of a pigtail-donning girl. The anticipation of seeing what's underneath this tissue paper always has us on the edge of our seats. We just can't wait to check it out!
Here's What's Inside
Welcome Pamphlet
Each month we receive a pamphlet describing all items included in each box. It is color coordinated and laid out very nicely. Featured on the back is a quote by Leonard Cohen - "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." Also included is a hint about next month's theme - I'm thinking "Love for Reading"?
The Big Break by Mark Tatulli - Retail Value $12.99
Andrew and Russ are best friends obsessed with finding the legendary Jersey Devil that supposedly lives in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, right in their own backyards. They're even making a movie about their desperate search for any sign of the mythical creature. But when Russ starts spending less time on their movie, and more time with artsy, first-chair violinist Tara, Andrew feels the cracks in their friendship begin to form.
Hank is a big fan of graphic novels, and this one really piqued his interest. Featuring two best friends, they are on the hunt for the legendary Jersey Devil, and because both of my kids have a fascination with finding Bigfoot, they were intrigued. This book was packed with fun illustrations and kept both of my kids interested from the get go. A quick read, this was a really fun inclusion that I would love to see more of in the future!
Miracle by Karen S. Chow - Retail Value $16.99
Amie has spent her life perfectly in tune with Ba-ba, her father—she plays the violin, his favorite instrument; she loves all his favorite foods, even if he can’t eat them during his cancer treatments; and they talk about books, including Amie’s favorite series, Harry Potter. But after Ba-ba dies, Amie feels distanced from everyone close to her, like her mother and her best friends, Rio and Bella. More devastating still, she loses her ability to play the violin—the notes that used to flow freely are now stilted and sharp. Will Amie ever find her way back to the music she once loved? With hope and harmony lighting the way—and with help from the people who care about her most—Amie must find the strength to carry on. In the end, she’ll learn that healing, while painful, can be its own miraculous song.
Hank wasn't quite sure about this book, so we decided to read it together. Though reviews suggest this book is geared for 8-12 year olds, it is about a father dying of cancer, so it is definitely an emotional read. We've only gotten to chapter 7, and so far it is really well written, and lovely, but heartbreaking. While Hank has been following along with the story, he did mention he would rather read happy books, but we are going to stick this one out to see how it ends.
Popcorn Pen
Pens are definitely a staple in our house as they always seem to grow legs and disappear, but these extra fun, extra bright ones stick out and are easier to keep track of. This tiny nibbed popcorn version is a nod to one of the greatest snacks of all time, and makes writing more fun. The soft rubbery top is addicting to squeeze and I appreciate the cap to keep the ink fresh. Hank enjoyed this inclusion and has placed it by his homework folder in our kitchen.
Monthly Sticker Pack
Hank enjoys stickers, and appreciated the variety this month. He liked the big brain decoration, but put the other two inclusions in the sticker folder for future use. These stickers have been used in many ways throughout our subscription, and we always appreciate receiving more.
Custom Hand Warmer
Minnesota gets cold, and last week we saw lows dip in the -20's. In those temps, hand warmers are extra nice, and this customized version was great! To activate, I placed this plastic pouch in boiling water and then let it cool. I popped the metal tab and it warmed the gel. Hank and Charlie loves fidgety items, and loved the warming aspect of this so much. We haven't utilized it outside yet, but they love warming it up before a movie night snuggle for an extra dose of cozy!
Desk Lamp Bookmark
I'll admit, I might have squealed when I caught a glimpse of this inclusion. This desktop lamp bookmark is so stinkin' cute and reminded me of the lamp character on the The Brave Little Toaster. At first I thought this was a light-up bookmark, but realized it's not. While it is just a bookmark, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite of all time and I actually started reading my own book just so I could use it! (Sorry kiddo!)
Wiggly Cosmos Water Snake - Retail Value $4.99
As I mentioned before, my kids are obsessed with fidget toys, so this wiggly cosmos toy was a huge hit. Featuring glow in the dark star and moon shapes, this fidget has ridden to school with us everyday this week. Extra slippery and fun to hold, this toy kept my sons fingers busy as we listened to the Hatchet audiobook for the 10th time.
Uno Flip Game - Retail Value $5.99
If you like Uno, you will love Uno Flip! This game is Uno but with a little bit of a nasty side! When you play a "flip" card, you go to the other side of the cards which have mega draw cards, and more! We actually have this game, so I was able to save this set to give a friend for a birthday gift, but it really is a fun game that our family plays at least weekly.
Hot Cocoa Packet
It is definitely hot chocolate weather in Minnesota, so this packet was a great inclusion for the January box. Swiss Miss is our go-to brand, and we always enjoy consumable items, so this was a lovely mix to receive. Hank heated this up with some warm milk and enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa while we read Miracle and spent some quality mom and son time together!
Sticky Note Pad
The last item we received was this set of sticky notes. Hank didn't love these dessert themed post-its, but I sure did! As an educator, I go through scratch paper and sticky's like crazy, so this was a really useful item to me as an adult. This subscription is designed with girls in mind, so I definitely get the idea, and it worked out well for a mother/son duo! The bread and cracker design was really unique and these are probably the cutest papers I've ever owned!
beTWEEN the Bookends is one of our favorite subscription boxes of all time. This month's box theme featured some cute useful items that Hank and I really enjoyed. Like I mentioned above, this is the full-sized box which is aimed towards girls, but fits a mother/son duo just fine. The included lifestyle items were a great mix of fun and functional all fitting the "Books Will Light the Way" theme well. Overall we thought this box was curated nicely and loved the useful items, especially the holiday pen, fidget, Uno game, and hand warmer! We already can't wait to see what's in store for February.
The beTWEEN the Bookends Full Size box costs $50.00 per month (on a 12-month subscription track), including shipping. Because the books alone are valued at over $29.98, I find the $50.00/month cost extremely reasonable, as the lifestyle items help shape this box into an entire experience.
Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!
Other Things You Should Know
Can I still get this box if I sign up today? beTWEEN the bookends tends to ship the first week of each month. Order now to receive the February box.
What did you think of the Full Size BeTWEEN the Bookends Tween box?
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