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Yep, You Can Fast AND Still Eat—Here’s Why Prolon is a Game-Changer for a Whole Body Reset

Arwen Kettering
ByArwen KetteringJan 9, 2024In Partnership With Prolon

We all aspire to be the picture of #health, but…it’s not easy. Between work and kids 👧💼, life gets hectic, and I reach for whatever I can eat quickly (read: junk food) to get back to my day.

These habits led to weight gain, low energy, and brittle hair and nails. So, I looked for ways to shed a few pounds and actually feel better, inside and out. I’d heard about weight loss pills working wonders for TikTok users, but it didn’t really align with my goals.

That’s when I found Prolon, a 5-day fasting-mimicking program that helps you trim fat and undergo a deeper whole-body process of “cellular clean-up” without giving up food. Celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow tried it, so I was extra intrigued!

Where do I sign up? 📝

I thought I’d be starving, but I wasn’t—and the nut bars, soups, and teas were surprisingly tasty

Editor's Note: For a limited time you can get 15% off the Prolon website and over $40 off the 5-Day Fast! Why not get ahead of your New Year's resolutions and kickstart your metabolism now?!

Hearing the word “fast” can easily lead you to think you won’t be eating for 5 days, but in this case, that’s actually not true. Prolon’s amazing science has figured out how to give your body nutrients AND the benefits of a fast, all at the same time.

Fad weight loss diets can be bland and leave you starving. And what’s worse: they often don’t work! On the other hand, Prolon comes with foods like nut bars, soups, snacks, and herbal teas (all plant-based, might I add), so my body is getting high-quality nutrients while tapping into the deep cellular repair that fasting offers.

Not to mention: the science. Prolon has 25+ years of fasting science on its side! After a few days, the fast triggers cell rejuvenation, which is critical to healthy aging and longevity.

My initial findings? I was SO nervous about how hungry I’d be, but it wasn’t that bad! The Carrot Ginger and Green Pea & Chive soups were flavorful, and the salt kick from the olives and kale chips? Yum. 🥕🫒

More energy and mental clarity? Yes, please

Fad diets are often lacking in nutrients, leaving you fatigued and foggy. Prolon, though, feels like a total support package. It really took me by surprise—I was surprised at how much energy I had.

What really excited me is how much mental clarity I now have—between mom life, yogi life, and work, my attention is split a million ways. It’s rare for me to get all the way through the day without walking into a room and forgetting what I went there for! That hasn't been an issue lately, and it's glorious!

Plus, I just noticed this morning that my skin is also looking better…dare I say it’s glowing? ✨

The weight I lost… stayed off.

Unhealthy fad diets can lead to rapid weight loss, but it’s often temporary and usually from water, or even worse, muscle. It’s hard to sustain those eating patterns over the long-term, too! The main goal of Prolon is to trigger rejuvenation in the body, but as an added bonus, I shed a few pounds. I’m noticeably more slender, I feel a lot lighter on my feet, and I’m way less bloated than before.

After doing it once, I know I can easily fit the 5-day fast into my lifestyle

Routines are my saving grace, so I’m hesitant to disturb them. I can do Prolon’s 5-day fast just twice a year and still experience the energy, mental clarity, weight loss, and more. That’s only 10 out of the 365 days of the year that I have to commit to—such a small price to pay for all these benefits!

Plus, it helped me reshape my relationship with food. I now see it as the fuel my body needs to power me through long days, and what I put into it is SO important.

It’s the long-term benefits for me

Prolon is the obvious choice for me. It’s a nutrition-based program that nourishes my body, triggers cell rejuvenation, and supports my overall wellness. It’s normally $190, but it’s 15% off right now + free shipping, so you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to support your health and longevity goals. Prolon is definitely going to be a new staple in my wellness journey!