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Unbloat vs. Athletic Greens: Which Supplement Would A Clinical Pharmacist Recommend For Bloating?

Laura Holliday
ByLaura HollidayFeb 7, 2024Sponsored

As a clinical pharmacist, I get a lot of questions about supplements that help with bloating and gut health. A balanced gastric microbiome aids in digestion, supports the immune system, and even impacts our mood and energy levels. So keeping your microbiome healthy is essential for maintaining not just digestive wellness, but overall well-being.

That’s why it’s important to know what to look for when choosing a gut health supplement. You want probiotics that help maintain the balance of good bacteria, prebiotics that feed these beneficial microbes, digestive enzymes to aid in breaking down food, and anti-inflammatory agents to keep the gut lining healthy.

With that in mind, I decided to do a deep dive on two popular brands, Unbloat and Athletic Greens. Here’s what I found:

If You Want a Supplement to Improve Gut Health Now AND Later… Unbloat

Unbloat is the clear winner if gut health is your main focus. It's formulated with an impressive blend of 25 billion CFUs from 7 live bacterial strains. These probiotics are key to enhancing gut flora, promoting a balanced microbial environment that supports digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function.

Plus, Unbloat’s inclusion of high-quality prebiotic fiber, specifically 276 mg of partially hydrolyzed guar gum, feeds the good bacteria in your gut, helping them to multiply and keep your digestive system running smoothly. This sets you up for a happy gut in both the short and long term.

AG1 also incorporates probiotics and prebiotics to support gut health but its probiotic blend contains just 7.2 billion CFU from 2 strains.

If You're Looking For Something To Relieve Bloating… Unbloat

Given the wide range of potential dietary triggers, completely avoiding bloating can be quite challenging. But here’s where Unbloat steps up with its arsenal of 21 digestive enzymes specifically chosen for their ability to break down the foods that can cause gas, bloating, and digestive distress.

From amylases that tackle carbohydrates, to proteases that work on proteins, and lipase for fats, Unbloat covers all bases. This ensures that whatever you eat is efficiently broken down, reducing the likelihood of undigested food fermenting in your gut and causing that dreaded bloated feeling.

These digestive enzymes are also aided by well-studied herbal components that also target bloating such as fennel seed to ease digestive tract muscles, reducing gas; ginger root to enhance digestion; and turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties.

AG1 doesn’t hold a candle to Unbloat in this category. Its formula contains only 1 digestive enzyme, bromelian.

If You're After A Multivitamin That Also Has Some Gut Benefits… AG1

If your goal is to cover your nutritional bases while also gaining some gut health benefits, AG1 is the way to go. It's your one-stop-shop, packing in a multitude of essential vitamins and nutrients that cater to those seeking a simple, all-in-one supplement regimen. While it’s not as targeted as Unbloat, AG1 covers a broad nutritional spectrum, ensuring you get a comprehensive dose of wellness in every scoop.

If Easing Constipation Is Your Goal… Unbloat

A healthy gut leads to healthier bowel movements but Unbloat helps things along with the inclusion of 850 mcg of folate per serving. A symptom of folate deficiency is constipation, so proper supplementation with adequate amounts of folate can help to relieve and prevent this. AG1 contains a comparatively smaller dose of folate at 680 mcg.

To keep things moving even better, Unbloat’s formula includes a very small dose of magnesium citrate which works as an osmotic laxative, meaning it draws water into the intestinal tract which helps both to soften stool, as well as stimulate movement in the GI tract.

If Cost Is A Concern… Unbloat

Supplements are a daily habit you are committing to include in your routine, and the costs can add up. Unbloat is easier on the wallet. A 30-day supply is $65.95, but you can save by purchasing in larger quantities and subscribing to regular shipments. In fact, when you purchase a 5-pack, the price goes down to just $28.11 per bottle.

On the other hand, the Athletic Greens costs $99 for a 30-day supply or $79 if you subscribe but there are no additional discounts.

Overall Winner… Unbloat

Unbloat was my pick between the two when choosing a supplement that has a primary focus of promoting gut health now and later. It promotes gastric movement to prevent bloating and discomfort, while also improving the gut microbiome over time with consistent use. It’s more cost-efficient, and although AG1 offers broad nutritional support, it falls short in providing the specialized gut health benefits that Unbloat delivers.