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This Study Help Tool Truly Saved Me Last Semester — Here’s Why I Continue to Learn With Chegg

I would be totally lost without this

Kaitlyn Cafarelli
ByKaitlyn CafarelliOct 14, 2023In Partnership With Chegg

With classes like Microeconomics and Physics last semester, I wasn’t surprised to feel like I was falling behind. All of these complex topics were difficult to grasp on my own, and my packed schedule left me no time to meet up with a tutor every week.

I’ve heard from some classmates that they had tried AI for homework help, but I wasn’t finding what I needed, and I needed a real grasp on what I was trying to learn.

That’s when I discovered that Chegg offers complete learning support through Chegg Study. After reading all the positive reviews, I figured I’d give it a try. Plus, at $15.95 a month, it’s way affordable.

It ended up being just the tool I needed to not just “learn” the material for my classes but succeed at even my hardest courses with study help, step-by-step explanations from subject matter experts, and more.

Here’s how Chegg Study saved me last semester, and why I’m gearing up for a new school year with this handy service:

I’m getting support with even my toughest homework questions

Sometimes, I’m not even getting to my homework until late at night. There’s no time to email the professor with my questions.

With Chegg Study, all I need to do is take a picture of the question I am stuck upon, upload it, and receive step-by-step explanations, backed by experts. It seriously couldn’t be easier and I’m able to complete my assignments—even late at night.

I have a way better understanding of my coursework as a whole

I’m the type of person who not only learns but internalizes information best when I’m able to really dive into the subject from multiple angles. Often, it’s not enough for me to be able to understand just one question—I need to familiarize myself with other relevant information about the subject, too, before I can say I really understand it.

This is what I love most about Chegg. Access to their Expert Q&A has totally changed the way I view my assignments, and I feel like my answers to questions are a lot more well-rounded now that I understand a broader range of common topics within each subject.

When it comes to mastering my classes, I’m sticking with Chegg Study

Chegg Study is a comprehensive service backed by experts. I love knowing that the study help I’m getting is personalized to my specific needs.

I plan to begin this school year off right with Chegg as the ultimate study buddy.