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This Show-Stopping Appetizer Is Ready In 5 Minutes & Makes Holiday Hosting 100% Stress-free

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Kirby Mekler
ByKirby MeklerNov 28, 2023In Partnership With Boarderie

I love entertaining. It brings me so much joy to see a party come together. But as much as I love gathering my friends and family together for a meal, I have to admit that it can also be a lot—especially during the holidays.

That’s why I’m so thrilled to have found Boarderie. Instead of wasting tons of time, effort, and money on shopping for high quality ingredients, preparing an impressive spread, and arranging everything to please my high standards, Boarderie does it for me on a gorgeous acacia wood serving board delivered overnight, directly to my door. Don’t you just love the internet? 👩‍🍳🤌

And I’m not talking about grocery store cheese cubes and pepperoni, either. These artisan cheese and charcuterie spreads scream luxury. I’m fairly certain I’d have to go to several cheesemongers in order to assemble anything close to a Boarderie-quality display on my own.

Here’s what makes Boarderie different:

It’s incredibly convenient, easy to order & stress-free

Whether you’re hosting an event or looking for something incredible to gift this holiday season, Boarderie will save you a ton of time and stress. Between grocery shopping, prepping, and assembly, it would take me hours and hours to shop for and assemble something much less impressive. And when it comes to hosting math, less prep time ALWAYS equals less stress.

I mean, this thing literally shows up on your doorstep ready to serve. No research, no planning, and absolutely no shopping required. Say goodbye to spending hours at the grocery store.

High quality, chef-selected meats and cheeses

By far the best thing about Boarderie is the quality! The boards are chef-made fresh daily, and shipped chilled overnight. Everything from the hand-selected exotic cheeses, to the meats, dried fruits, nuts, chocolates, and the olives taste perfectly fresh. And the boards come with varieties of the tastiest crackers that somehow pair perfectly with every single cheese.

My guests always rave about the beautiful charcuterie display when they see it, but once they actually try something off the board, they have to know where it is from! 😋

Sizes and options for everyone, whether you’re hosting or want to send the PERFECT gift

Boarderie offers a variety of different boards in various sizes (small, medium and large). They feed anywhere from 3-11 people depending on what size you order. They also have seasonal and themed options for holidays like FALLcuterie for Thanksgiving or their beloved Happy Holidays boards for holiday gifting. 🎄

Everything from the food, to the bamboo cutlery, to the board itself is beautifully arranged. It seriously looks like something out of a magazine. Honestly, I’m impressed every time a Boarderie board arrives on my doorstep!

All that, and it’s a great value

As for saving money, I absolutely cannot fathom how much it would’ve cost me to buy all the cheeses, meats, and snacks featured on my Arte Cheese and Charcuterie Board. Not to mention all of the additional waste I would have left over—you can’t just buy the exact amount you need of each ingredient at the store. Boarderie solves this with variety in just the right quantity.

At $129 for the small board and up to $239 for the large, it’s not a cheap product by any means—nor should it be. Good ingredients cost a pretty penny. But when you price everything out, you could easily spend $15 on a ½ lb of high-quality cheese at your local cheese shop. Multiply that by about 13, and you’re spending $195. And that’s without taking all of the meats, dried fruits, nuts, chocolates, spreads, crackers etc into account. Plus the shopping and prep time, forget it!

I’ll admit my math isn’t super diligent here, but I think it’s safe to say that if you want a board as deluxe as this one, buying each of the ingredients would cost more than what Boarderie is charging. Boarderie offers free overnight shipping on every board, too!

Boarderie is an incredible gift to impress even the pickiest people

If you’re already starting to feel the stress of holiday gifting creeping up on you, I genuinely can’t recommend Boarderie enough.

I sent small boards to family and friends last year and it was an absolute win. I’ve never received more positive feedback and have already scheduled boards to go out to everyone this holiday season.