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My Subscription Addiction

The Busy Woman’s Guide to Finding the Skincare Routine That’s Right For You

lauren Way
Bylauren WayApr 26, 2023In Partnership With PROVEN Skincare

While I try my best, most nights I barely have time to wash my face and I have gone to bed with makeup on more times than I’d like to admit. So, while I know I need to take better care of my skin, I don’t have time to research and try a lot of different products. I was ready to give up on ever finding the perfect skincare routine for me.

Until I found PROVEN.

Having a personalized skincare routine sent to me, with easy-to-use products formulated especially for me, was exactly what I was looking for.

Get personalized skincare products

Every time I tried to get new skincare products, I would drop my search because I didn’t have time to research the different ingredients in the products and I wanted to understand what I was putting on my face. PROVEN does the work for me with a unique online quiz to determine what my skin needs. Not only are these products clinically effective, but they’re tailored to my skin type, lifestyle, and even my environment!

My skin is quite sensitive and I’m currently experiencing dryness and random breakouts due to seasonal changes. Since I started using the PROVEN system, my skin feels a lot more hydrated and has a softer texture to it. I’ve also noticed my hyperpigmentation clearing up.

Make your routine simple and effective

I absolutely dread a 10+ step skincare routine. Like, who has time for that?! PROVEN looks at my needs to craft a complete skincare routine in 3 multi-functional products: day moisturizer, cleanser, and night cream – saving me time and effort!

The cleanser works as a toner and exfoliator. The day moisturizer has SPF (with no white cast, IYKYK!). And even the night cream doubles as a serum. So basically, you get the same results of a 7-step skincare routine in just 2 steps!

Now, that’s a routine I can quickly get done in a few minutes, whether at home or traveling.

Another cool feature about PROVEN is how they explain the ingredients to me. Instead of reading hundreds of articles and reviews, they break them down into easy-to-understand explanations. For example, I travel a lot, so they recommend squalane to help with dehydration, sea kelp bioferment for stress, and vitamin D to calm my skin.

I’m no skin expert, but learning about the why made me feel more confident in my routine.

Start a subscription-based routine

Forget about heading to the store or ordering more products. PROVEN sends me my skincare routine every 2 months. Each kit they send addresses unique needs and continues to change based on my skin’s progress. It truly feels like having a dedicated expert working with you on taking care of your skin.

Skincare for the busy woman

PROVEN Skincare makes skincare easy for busy women – no trial-and-error, complicated routines, or wasted time.

I really wish I had found this sooner. I don’t see myself going back to figuring out the skincare products that would work for my skin when PROVEN can send me a system that works for me.