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The 3 Most Common Issues Guys Live With When They Really Don’t Need To

Damon Sumner
ByDamon SumnerApr 3, 2023In Partnership With Viking Man

I don’t know what’s worse for a guy–losing your hair or not being able to perform in the bedroom. To be honest, I’d rather eat broken glass than experience either. Add being a fatigued dad to the mix and these issues became prominent for me, fast. Maybe it’s because I turned 36. Maybe it’s due to my DNA. Maybe it’s because I still drink Mountain Dew. Whatever it was–I was at a loss.

Until I hit rock bottom and did something I thought I’d never do: I asked for help. A few years ago, one of my closest friends had been complaining about the problems I currently faced. I asked him about his solution, and he said “I’m a Viking Man.” Now, I’m hooked on Viking Man because I could’ve been like so many other guys. In despair. Proud. Frustrated. Fatigued. Hopeless. If guys can stay on top of these three elements in their lives, things will be a whole lot better….

1) Erectile Dysfunction

Arguably, the fastest way to ruin a good time is to start opening up to your friends about your ED struggles. Folks grab their keys. To-go plates get left. Babysitters get relieved. And here’s the problem: nobody ever wants to talk about it. Ever. It’s too awkward.

So, instead guys like me walk around wishing they had support, but are too embarrassed to talk about it, even with their primary healthcare physician. And especially the mailman when he hands me my not-so-secret Viagra package.

2) Hair Loss

I just found out that by the time a man turns thirty–JUST 30–there’s a 25% chance to start seeing balding. As guys, we typically handle the idea of going bald three ways. One, we shave it fast. Go full-on MJ in 1993. Bald, sleek and smooth. Two, we try to fix it. Hair implants, coloring, comb-overs. You name it. Men, since the beginning of time have tried and ultimately failed to defeat the bald. Three, we wait too late.

Have you ever seen the balding guy in denial? You’re embarrassed for him. You’re like, “I can’t go to a game with this dude. His hairline looks like whiskers!” A guy typically will just walk around in discomfort because he knows that his once-cherished hair is fading and fading fast.

3) Sleeplessness

Most of my friends don't get enough sleep. And they always tell me the same lie, “man, I just have so much work to do.” I get it. I can relate. I also used to feel like I had to go, go, go! But that’ll break your body down faster than you want it to.

Viking Man is the solution to pretty much all of these problems

So here I was: a fatigued dad who struggled with ED and who found too much of his hair in the shower until I found Viking Man. Viking Man is an easy & confidential online provider of medication and supplements for issues like E.D., hair loss, sleeplessness, and even supplements for better health.

After taking Viking Man’s online consultation, Viking Man doctors can prescribe generic versions of FDA-approved ED prescriptions you know, like Viagra and Cialis. You’ll get a customized treatment plan, and better yet, the packaging is discreet, so you can avoid that uncomfortable talk with your physician or mailman. Finasteride was on offer for my hair loss, and they offer two different prescriptions for sleeplessness.

I look back and laugh at the idea of what type of man I’d be had I let those problems continue to fester. It’s funny now–now–because back then it was no laughing matter!