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My Subscription Addiction

Procrastinators, Listen Up: I Tried a Doctor-Approved Focus Hack…and I Have Thoughts

Kimberly Southammavong
ByKimberly SouthammavongApr 19, 2024In Partnership With Thesis

I hate to admit it, but I used to be a major procrastinator. From work, errands, and bills, to laundry and life in general, I was always checking off my to-dos at the last minute. Talk about being frazzled all the time. And to make matters worse, when I was able to finally sit down, my attention span would go out the window.

So when I found out about nootropics—substances that can help boost brain function and productivity—I knew I had to try them. That’s where Thesis comes in. Thesis offers personalized nootropics based on your needs, and, let me tell you, they work.

I’ve literally been able to tackle my to-dos in less time than, well, ever. I’m seriously hooked on Thesis! Here’s why:

You get personalized nootropics based on your exact needs

Gone are the days of generalized pills. With Thesis, your nootropics are personalized to your needs. All you have to do is take their short quiz, and they’ll use your answers to build your Starter Kit.

You’ll then get to sample four blends over the course of the month to determine what’s right for you. For me, I’ve been crushing the Energy and Motivation blends. They’re exactly what I need to get my never-ending list of to-dos done without draining all my energy.

They also have Logic, Creativity, Clarity, and Confidence blends.

My thoughts are sharper, and organizing my day is so easy

My days felt pretty chaotic until Thesis. And that was because I couldn’t focus. My mind was constantly jumping from one thing to the next, and I felt like I was on autopilot going 1,000 mph.

Not anymore. I’m no longer getting sucked into any and every distraction that comes my way (I’m talking about you, doom scrolling), and tasks that used to feel too overwhelming to get done now feel do-able. I’m actually able to concentrate for more than five minutes at a time and get things done calmly.

Thesis' high-quality ingredients mean you can actually feel the difference

I’ll be honest: I was definitely skeptical at first. There seems to be a pill for everything nowadays, and one claiming to improve focus and productivity seemed too good to be true.

I was wrong! Thesis isn’t like other pills—they source vegan ingredients like Mango Leaf and Indian Trumpet Tree, and their blends are both internally and third-party tested for safety. Unlike generic prescriptions, knowing that natural ingredients are going into my body makes me feel much more at ease and alive.

I have so much more energy! That 3PM slump is a thing of the past, and the brain fog I didn’t know I had has cleared.

Thesis has dedicated wellness coaches available whenever you need

I ask a lot of questions, so having a dedicated wellness coach on-hand is a game-changer. After I took the quiz and received my personalized kit of four blends, I was connected with my coach to review how to get the most out of Thesis and maximize my results.

She guided me on how to optimize my subscription for peak efficiency and was able to answer my long list of questions. The fact that she’s always available via phone or email is just an added bonus.

I’m finally able to get everything I need to done… and in advance

The real kicker that I’ve found since starting Thesis has been the fact that it’s given me what I need to fight back against my procrastination. With a better focus and clearer headspace, I’ve been able to tackle stuff head-on: deadlines, itineraries, projects—you name it, I’ve been able to do it.

And it’s directly related to the fact that I’m reaching for my phone less, I have more energy for work and the gym, and I’m able to pay attention in meetings without jumping from tab to tab. I just feel so much better and confident going into each day.

So if you’re looking for that extra push to up your mental game, Thesis might just be what you need to take back your mind and body, and start feeling, well, better.

Oh, and it's only $79 with a 30-day money back guarantee, free shipping, and a free wellness coach! Take their quiz to see if it will work for you!