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PetFriendly Daily Supplements vs. Zesty Paws: Which Do I Trust for My Dog?

Maria Marcus
ByMaria MarcusMay 31, 2023Sponsored

In an effort to prioritize my health, I started taking a multivitamin and probiotic this year—and boy, that certainly was life changing! Isn’t it funny how something so simple can make such a huge difference in your day-to-day?

And with results like that, it got me thinking about whether my one year-old Goldendoodle, Finn, might benefit from a supplement, too. I consider Finn to be a family member, and I want him to live the best life possible. No brainer, right?

Choosing to give Finn a multivitamin was an easy decision, but finding the right product has been anything but. After tons of research and a quick poll of my dog-loving friends, I narrowed my search down to two multivitamins: PetFriendly Daily Supplements and Zesty Paws 8-in-1 Multifunctional Bites for Dogs.

Here’s what I found:

If you prefer an all-in-one vitamin supplement that exceeds industry standards… PetFriendly Daily Supplements

Right out of the gate, PetFriendly Daily Supplements impressed me with their commitment to creating a product made with my dog’s best interests in mind. Their all-in-one supplement is formulated to support Finn’s hips and joints (particularly important due to his breed and size), skin, coat, gut and digestive system, and his overall immunity.

These supplements are also vet-formulated and take your dog’s size into consideration, so you can trust that the ingredients and their recommended dosage instructions are safe for your particular pup. They are also made without grains, soy, or artificial flavors and colors.

And while both PetFriendly Daily Supplements and Zesty Paws include a probiotic—a must for Finn’s sensitive stomach—PetFriendly’s formula contains a more potent 600 million CFU.

If you’re extra cost conscious… Zesty Paws

Coming in at $30 for 90 tablets (a three month supply), Zesty Paws is definitely the less costly option in the Battle of the Dog Multivitamins.

Comparatively, PetFriendly Daily Supplements are weight-based, and while their formula starts at just $14 per month, Finn’s dosage recommendation costs $24 per month. This is definitely a higher price point, but when you consider the high quality of PetFriendly Daily Supplements, it’s a cost effective choice with long-term benefits.

And as a bonus, PetFriendly Box offers 40% off your first jar!

If you appreciate a personal touch… PetFriendly Daily Supplements

When you sign up, PetFriendly Box requests a picture of your pet, and that picture gets placed on each jar you purchase. How cute is that? I’m a sucker for a personal touch, and this was a perk I’d never seen before. Zesty Paws has a fun container, too, but it’s a generic product with no differentiation between pets.

Finn is my one and only, but I can see this being extra useful if you’re balancing multiple, furry friends’ health needs in one home.

If you prefer not to make vitamin-giving a daily chore… PetFriendly Daily Supplements

Unlike a lot of the other Goldendoodles I’ve met, Finn has…let’s call it a “refined” palate. Garbage disposal, he is not, and getting him to eat something he doesn’t like is a massive waste of time and energy on my part.

Almost as soon as I opened our first jar of PetFriendly Daily Supplements, Finn sprinted into the kitchen to check out what must have been a truly delicious smell (for a dog, that is). Thinking it was a tasty new treat, he immediately cycled through every trick he knew to get me to drop him a few. 🤣🐕

If you have a dog like mine who will not be fooled by anything other than the best tasting multivitamin, PetFriendly Daily Supplements is the supplement for you.

Our overall winner… PetFriendly Daily Supplements

When you break them both down, I think both PetFriendly Daily Supplements and Zesty Paws are great products that benefit a dog’s overall health. Personally, I prefer PetFriendly Daily Supplements not only due to Finn’s obvious enthusiasm for them, but also because I believe this will help his long-term well being, from gut health, to his hips, his soft, shiny coat, and everything else that makes him special.

We are loving this product, and so does Finn. PetFriendly is a win for us!