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My Subscription Addiction

How I’m Losing Weight Without Overthinking It

Geraldine Orentas
ByGeraldine OrentasAug 24, 2022In Partnership With Trifecta

I’ve tried every diet, workout routine, and cardio burnout on earth, but I was still no closer to my weight loss goals. After reading about how to lose weight from health coaches, nutritionists, and fitness trainers, I kept seeing the same thing: eat your macros!

The truth is, I struggled to follow a macro-balanced diet to give my body the energy it actually needs to reach my goals. For those of you who are unfamiliar, “macros” is shorthand for “macronutrients” which are defined as protein, carbs, and fats. I just wasn’t planning the right meals to get me the results I wanted. That was until I tried Trifecta meals to simplify my diet and meet my macros.

Macro-friendly, Easy-to-follow Meal Plan

I’m no expert, and macros are pretty intimidating. Not to mention, I don’t have time to weigh everything I eat, portion it, and calculate macros for every meal. Even using food trackers didn’t seem to cut it; these apps aren’t as accurate as I thought they would be.

With Trifecta, I was able to figure out the best diet plan for me with their quiz that matches you with meals based on your fitness goals and diet preference. In my case, this means a vegetarian/flexitarian diet. And they have many other meal plan options, including popular diets like Keto, Paleo, and Whole30. I can finally rest assured that I’m following a macros-focused diet that is designed to meet my needs.

High-protein Vegetarian Meals

Making sure I get enough protein in my vegetarian meals has always been tricky but Trifecta takes care of that. Not only do I get high-protein meals that are calorie-controlled and nutrient-dense with my vegetarian plan, but the meals are delicious and varied. My favorite meal so far is the Spinach and Cauliflower Enchilada with Salsa Verde but it’s closely followed by the Romesco Quinoa with Tofu and Roasted Kabocha and the Mushroom Lentils with Veggies and Impossible Burger.

Trifecta’s meals make it easy to stay on track with the right balance of macros and most of my meals average only 440 calories with 25 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbs, and 15 grams of fat. Because the meals are so yummy and well balanced, I feel full and satisfied for much longer afterward.

Delicious, Ready-to-eat Dishes

Trifecta suggests that you heat your ready-to-eat meals in an air fryer, oven, or stovetop. But, since the meals are already cooked, all you need is to heat them up for 2-3 minutes, and you’re done. Still, if you’re on the go, you can heat your meal using a microwave; it’s no big deal.

Having delicious, ready-to-eat meals in my fridge has been amazing. I am finally on track with a diet that matched my goals. Plus, I love that the meals were so delicious, I felt like I was eating at a restaurant!

My New Weight Loss Partner

Trifecta is the perfect partner for my weight loss journey because I can finally focus on other goals like cutting back on sugar or exercising four times a week. But it wasn’t until after I started receiving the meals that I realized Trifecta was much more than a meal delivery service.

With Trifecta, I get access to a whole wellness program that connects me to nutritionists for support, helps me track other foods right in the app, and I can share my journey with others in the Trifecta community. It is a complete wellness approach to living healthier, losing weight, and reaching my goals.

The Takeaway

When I switched to Trifecta, I felt the difference right away. I wasn’t feeling bloated after every meal, I started having the energy to push myself harder in my workouts, and most importantly, I didn’t have to cook or meal prep every week!

Paired with my workout routine, I’m happy to say I’m on target to meet my weight loss goal - no more guesswork, no more overcomplicating things.