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I Tried This Permanent Hair Removal Device for 8 Weeks–Here’s What Happened

Steven Triana
BySteven TrianaJun 1, 2023In Partnership With Nood

I’m just going to go ahead and address the elephant in the room: since puberty, we’ve all lived (suffered?) with body hair in areas we didn’t exactly ask for. Aside from Henry Cavil or Hugh Jackman, who actually looks good with a chest nest?

Our options for getting rid of it are few: shave it and suffer from ingrown hairs, use topical removal products like Nair, or try laser hair removal. I’ve explored laser hair removal a few times, but the cost and time commitment was just too involved for me.

Enter Nood’s The Flasher 2.0, a handheld light-based hair removal device you can use at home. I was intrigued that such an expensive, involved process could be adapted for in-home use, so needless to say, I had to give it a try:

Getting rid of your hair has never been easier with this affordable + effective at-home IPL device

The Flasher 2.0 is a FDA-cleared intense pulsed light (IPL) device that blasts hair follicles with extremely bright light. Nood recommends using it twice a week and within about 4- 6 weeks, you’ll start to notice results, with best results in 8 weeks or so. It costs $189, but it comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. All in all, it’s a small price to pay if I never have to go get professionally lasered again.

A couple of other things to note: Nood recommends using the exfoliator on the area you’ll be lasering, and shave before you begin. Most importantly: be consistent!

There are two ways to pulse the light: you can set it to Auto Mode, which will pulse light continuously as you move it around the area, or you can activate it manually. There are seven intensity levels. I have to say, there is a slight sting, but it’s not super noticeable. Time-wise, you will need to allot about five to ten minutes for smaller areas or up to an hour for bigger parts of the body, like both legs.

So, did it really work?

I was skeptical, so I decided to test it on my right arm. If it worked, I was going to have one hairy arm, one smooth, 8 weeks later. And I have to disclaim that it doesn’t hurt at all!

Well...this thing worked and it worked well. It can save you thousands with just a little patience and time. I’ll be using it on the other arm next, and my back, and my shoulders. That’s how much I liked it! Nood recommends doing maintenance treatment every 1-2 months, and that sure beats shaving every couple of days.

I guess you can call me a "Nood Dude"

Guys–I know you might be hesitant to try something new, but this is the ultimate hack if you’re looking for an affordable & convenient fix for being hairy. It’s so easy to incorporate into your routine, because instead of shaving, you can just use Nood while your S.O. is getting ready.

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