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This Sleep Powder Converted Me – I May Never Take Melatonin Gummies Ever Again.

Who knew the key to a good night's sleep could be this delicious?

Lauren Nowicki
ByLauren NowickiJan 11, 2024In Partnership With Beam Subscription

If sweet dreams are made of Zzz’s, my sleep is a nightmare. Even though I can usually fall asleep quickly, I can't fully relax and shut off my brain. I often wake up feeling like I never slept at all.

I’ve tried OTC sleeping pills, Melatonin, therapy, and prescriptions, but I rarely spend time in the deepest sleep stages.

After finding minimal success with popular sleep hacks, I did a little more research. That’s when I discovered Beam Dream, a yummy, hot cocoa-based sleep solution made from natural sleep ingredients and designed to gently ease your body into rest. If that sounds extra cozy to you, that’s because it totally is.

Beam Dream has helped me say goodbye to popular sleep hacks, and uncover my best sleep ever. Here’s why:

1. Beam Dream doesn't make me groggy the next day

Melatonin’s been in my medicine cabinet (and probably yours) forever, so I’m very familiar with side effects like next-day grogginess, dizziness, and nausea. But if I’m truly desperate for a good night’s sleep, I’ll suffer the consequences.

Beam Dream is made with Melatonin, too, but since it’s formulated in conjunction with other powerful, science-baked sleep ingredients, it actually prevents next-day grogginess. I never wake up feeling like I took a sleep supplement, and I always hit the ground running next-day.

Unlike regular Melatonin, Beam Dream can be enjoyed daily without ill effects. It’s clinically shown to aid falling and staying asleep, and supports all four stages of sleep. Sleep quality is my biggest hurdle, so this is a pretty big deal for me.

2. Beam Dream's ingredients are clear and clean

Sleep aid gummies are everywhere these days! And while they do help me relax, I don’t love how shrouded in mystery the added ingredients often are.

I love that Beam Dream keeps things simple with its blend of 5 all-natural sleep ingredients: Nano Hemp, Reishi, Magnesium, L-Theanine, and Melatonin—plus the makings of a seriously delicious cup of cocoa, of course!

Beam Sleep Powder is available in 8 different flavors (some with hemp, some without) including Sea Salt Caramel, Pumpkin Spice, Chocolate Peanut Butter (my fave!), and Mint Chip. All are made with zero sugar and less than 20 calories.

3. Beam Dream has over 3,000 raving reviews, and worked for 93% of clinical participants

When my sleep quality issues kicked in, I blamed stress. But after countless trips to my therapist and no real solution beyond prescription sleep aids, I felt defeated.

With Beam Dream, I don’t worry about waking up groggy, tossing and turning, or getting hooked on prescriptions. Beam Dream ingredients are powerful (available in regular and extra strength), but non habit forming, and the calming nighttime blend relaxes my mind and body.

Plus, I don’t need to see my therapist, visit the pharmacy, or deal with insurance. This deliciously safe, sleep-inducing hot cocoa is delivered straight to my door!

4. Beam Dream is a silent solution that doesn't keep me up at night (ironic, right?)

From wearables, to sleep tracking apps, to sound machines, there’s a lot of sleep technology out there. I recently purchased a 5-star sound machine, and while the sunrise alarm, bedside light, and sleep sounds help me unwind, they’re also way louder than I expected.

Now sweet dreams are made of Beam, and the only noise I hear is the sound of the Beam frother (included with my subscription) as it whips up my hug in a mug 30-45 minutes before bed.

Commitment issues? As a subscriber, you can save 20% every month, enjoy free shipping and a free frother, swap out flavors, and get access to members-only offers and VIP support. You can always pause, delay, or cancel at any time!

PLUS for a limited time only you can get a Beam subscription up to 35% OFF! Getting better sleep has never been an easier decision.

Final Thoughts

Since discovering Beam Dream, I’ve never slept better. My mind is sharper, I have more energy, and I’m finally waking up feeling refreshed again—all thanks to a daily cup of cocoa. ☕️

If you’re struggling with sleep issues, take a look at Beam Dream!