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I Just Found The Only Anti-Bloat Supplement Worth Investing In

Caroline Levere
ByCaroline LevereJul 18, 2022In Partnership With Rmdy


I’ve basically forgotten what it’s like to not feel bloated and uncomfortable after meals – I usually can get away with a light-ish breakfast, but certainly after lunch and dinner, it always feels like there’s a massive brick of concrete moving throughout my body.

It’s no fun. For anyone. I’ve been suffering from exaggerated symptoms for a little over a year now and haven’t had success with anything – I’ve tried virtually every digestive supplement, pill or capsule I’ve found at Walgreens with no avail. But recently, I’ve been giving rmdy’s tasty chewables a try before each meal. And let me tell you – these chewables have really been working and basically *solved* my bloating and indigestion in no time. Here’s the breakdown:

Rmdy is on a mission to transform your relationship with food.

rmdy is a holistic, science-backed digestive wellness company on a mission to unlock higher quality of life + health with research-backed wellness solutions that work. rmdy makes Daily Digestive Essentials – tasty chewables that fight bloating while also improving digestion and gut health.

The chewables are made with science-backed, deeply researched digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics and herbal remedies. I was really impressed with how clean rmdy’s ingredients are and how much rigorous science and research are behind them. Daily Digestive Essentials are even clinically proven to prevent bloating and indigestion, whereas most other products you can find at your drugstore have little-to-no research on efficacy.


But, fancy facts aside, my experience with rmdy has been second to none.

I take my chewables about 10 minutes before every meal. I used to feel a ton of pressure and bloating immediately after eating, but those days are now a distant memory. Within just half a week of starting rmdy, my bloating, indigestion and constant internal pressure were nearly gone and I was back to enjoying my meals like I did in my teens.

rmdy has been life changing for me. Period. Their chewables are the first thing that have ever relieved (and solved) my bloating and indigestion – and trust me, I’ve tried almost everything out there. I’m even able to enjoy my late night, all-too-frequent indulgences without any issues.

They’re chewables are also very discrete (and cute), too

They come in a recyclable glass jar and rmdy gives you the option to pick up a travel case for your chewables too, which I love. Since I religiously stick to my 10-minutes-before-I-eat routine with my chewables, the travel case is an essential so I can take them with me wherever I go out to eat. rmdy makes me feel proud to whip out my bloating and digestive aid in front of my friends. Goodbye, self-shame from GasX and Pepto Bismol.


My final verdict: rmdy is worth it.

I highly recommend checking out rmdy’s Daily Digestive Essentials, and if you’re suffering from bloating and indigestion like I was, give them a shot today. From my personal experience, they truly work and have transformed how I live and eat. TL;DR – rmdy has helped me feel normal again after my meals with their tasty chewables.

If you’re interested in trying rmdy for yourself, then use our special link and code MSA15 to get 15% off on your first order of Daily Digestive Essentials (and thank us later). Enjoy!


Caroline Levere
Caroline Levere

I'm the Chief of Staff at MSA and a fitness addict! Prior to joining MSA, I actually started a fitness studio. Excited to educate people on all the available fitness products out there!