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My Subscription Addiction

How Cirkul is Helping Me Hit the Gym and Achieve My Fitness Goals

Caroline Levere
ByCaroline LevereFeb 22, 2023In Partnership With Cirkul

If feeling great in my body is an ongoing goal, why is it that every little thing was zapping my motivation to get to the gym? I changed literally one thing, and now it’s this dark horse motivator that has me consistently showing up for my workouts. Water.

But water with electrolytes! And flavors! And a really cool contraption to drink it out of! Basically, when I committed to drinking Cirkul water every time I arrived at the gym, it finally gave me something to look forward to when I got there. It seemed too silly to tell anyone at first, but now that the habit is formed, I’m inviting everyone on board with me for new year goal-setting.

My Latest, Greatest Gym Motivator: Hydration

Flavors Keep It Fresh

Judge me all you want, but I was feeling bored with drinking water at the gym, and it was one of many excuses I told myself to keep from going. I needed an element of newness to keep things exciting. All you have to do is insert a flavor cartridge into the top of the Cirkul water bottle–there’s no chunky powders here.

Cirkul cartridges come in over 50 flavors—how’s that for variety? Each flavor cartridge costs $3.75, and they will last about 6 Cirkul water bottle fill-ups on a medium setting (read: about $0.60 per drink). They have everything from fruity combos to flavorful teas, to coffees and energy drinks. My favorites are from the FitSip line, which have added B vitamins and electrolytes.

What’s the Deal With Electrolytes?

I had heard of electrolytes and even knew to drink an electrolyte drink when I was recovering from feeling sick, but I had never prioritized them when working out. Turns out these minerals enhance exercise performance, stabilize your blood sugar, and more. Cirkul’s Flyte and Stage lines have 4 times the electrolytes than the average sports drink, and their Stage line is sweetened with stevia for super high performing athletes.

Use the Cool Bottle, Or Your Own

If the “new year, new you” also needs a new water bottle, Cirkul offers 3 sizes of bottles in either BPA-free plastic or stainless steel, which range in price from about $12-$35 – a small price to pay for optimal hydration! Plus, you can choose whether you’d like your water flavor intensity to be just a little flavor or a full-on flavor infusion.

If your resolution is to use what you have, Cirkul lids fit on Nalgene, CamelBak, Contigo, Hydro Flask, and Klean Kanteen bottles. Boom.

How to Order

Cirkul makes it easy to never be without their delicious & convenient flavors. When you go to pick your plan, you’ll just need to choose how many cartridges you want (you can choose between 8 and 100!) and Cirkul will deliver new cartridges to you every month. The next page will prompt you to pick whatever flavors you’d like, and if you want to mix it up, you can always log in and change your plan.

One Last Thing

I love that Cirkul has no artificial colors, so no weird dyes…which means no stains on those new fancy workout clothes I just got. My favorite trick is to fill my bottle with sparkling water for a little extra oomph, but if still water is your style, Cirkul makes that delicious, too.

I can’t wait for you guys to try this stuff. See you at the gym?