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Hero Seeded Bread vs. Dave’s Killer Powerseed Bread: Which is Better?

Stacie Hamilton
ByStacie HamiltonFeb 7, 2024Sponsored

I confess that I'm a HUGE bread addict—literally, I could eat it for every meal. But the problem I run into, like most others, is that bread is usually filled with lots of calories and carbs. I started to look for healthier alternatives and came across Hero Seeded Bread and Dave’s Killer Powerseed Bread. Here are my thoughts on both.

If you want your bread to taste like bread… Hero

If you've tried low carb alternatives, then you know it sometimes doesn't quite taste like the real thing. When I tried Dave's Killer Powerseed Bread, I thought it was too bland and mealy - not at all like the bread I'm used to eating.

Hero Seeded Bread, on the other hand, was tasty from the very first bite. Delicious and fluffy, Hero Seeded Bread works perfectly in a sandwich, plain with butter, or toasted with a dollop of jam on top 😋. The pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds also add in a nice crunch and an artisan feel (but if seeded bread isn't your thing, they also offer a white bread alternative, tortillas, and more).

Hero Bread tastes even better than the white bread I was eating before, making the switch to Hero an absolute no-brainer.

If the nutritional facts are important to you… Hero

I care about ingredients and nutrition, especially when choosing low carb bread. It's quite impressive that the Hero Seeded Bread has just 1 gram of net carbs, zero sugar, 6 grams of protein, and 12 grams of fiber in one slice. And I can’t believe each slice only has 60 calories!

It may not seem like a lot, but Dave's Killer Powerseed Bread has way more calories and carbs. Each slice has 100 calories, 18 grams of carbs, 4 grams of fiber, 14 net carbs, 1 gram of sugar (it's sweetened with fruit juices), and 5 grams of protein.

Based on these nutrition facts, I'm sticking with the Hero Seeded Bread - I don't want or need extra carbs, and I like having a little extra fiber in my diet.

If you're concerned about price… Both

Hero Seeded Bread and Dave’s Killer Powerseed Bread cost the same ($6.99 per loaf) at my local grocery store so this wasn’t a huge factor when deciding which I liked better. Prices do vary across the country, but for me, the price was exactly the same.

If you value convenience… Dave’s

I always go for stuff that’s convenient, and lucky for me, I'm able to purchase both breads at my local grocery store. However, not all grocery stores carry Hero’s like they do Dave’s, and so if you can’t find Hero Seeded Bread, you’ll need to order from their website.

If you care about texture… Hero

I don’t know about you, but I like my bread to be fluffy and soft, and the texture of the Hero Seeded Bread blew me away. It tastes so fresh and soft straight out of the bag, and it's a great seeded bread alternative with a satisfying, wholesome texture.

Dave's Killer Powerseed Bread definitely doesn't fall into the fluffy and soft category. As a matter of fact, I found it to be rather dense and dry. As someone who loves sandwiches, Hero Seeded Bread was definitely the better choice.

My favorite… Hero

Taking into consideration all of the facts about taste, texture, ingredients, and more, I’m declaring the Hero Seeded Bread as my winner. It's a delicious bread that I can enjoy with every meal, and it meets my dietary requirements best. So if you're concerned about your carb and calorie intake like me, then you have to try Hero Seeded Bread.