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Care/of vs. Ritual: Which Vitamins Are Right For You?

Caroline Levere
ByCaroline LevereMay 2, 2023In Partnership With Care/of - Personalized Daily Vitamins

Consistently taking my daily vitamins and minerals has always been one of the easiest parts of my routine to forget. I buy the supplements I think will help me start my daily vitamin routine off strong, only to forget a day or two at a time until I forget about it altogether. Companies like Care/of and Ritual make it easy to figure out which vitamin blends work for your specific needs. Which customized vitamin subscription is the one for you? Let’s find out!

If You Need A More Personalized Vitamin Routine…Care/of

One of the best ways to stay consistent with my vitamin routine is to make sure it’s personalized for my nutritional needs and health goals. Care/of takes the lead here because of their super specific quiz that explains everything from why they ask somewhat sensitive questions about your health, to why they recommend the vitamins and minerals according to your answers. This free comprehensive quiz asks about health, diet, lifestyle, and more before recommending a personalized 30-day supply of compostable daily packs that you can modify with other supplements like protein powders, collagen, Quick Sticks, and more.

If You Don’t Like The Vitamin Taste…Care/of

I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys the taste of vitamins. To me, most supplements either taste like grass or have a weird aftertaste. Though not every vitamin flavor is unpleasant, I fully appreciate it when I find one that doesn’t have a weird taste at all. This is where Care/of vitamins pull ahead. They don’t really have a taste or a smell at all, which is amazing. If taste is your deal breaker, Care/of may be the vitamin subscription for you.

If You Want Science And Sustainability In Your Routine…It’s A Tie!

Both vitamin subscriptions take sustainability and their science-backed formulas very seriously. For Ritual, sustainability is all about traceability and letting customers know where each ingredient comes from with their Made Traceable® promise, which includes the vegan capsules they come in. For Care/of, sustainable science is about honesty in their sourcing and supply chain practices. As of April 2019, their vitamin packs are made with a compostable plant-based blend of fermented corn, cassava root, and sugarcane, with future upgrades coming soon. No matter which you choose, they both have their eyes on improving the future for you and the environment.

If You Need Help Sticking To Your Vitamin Routine…Care/of

Your subscription with Care/of comes with free access to their app, where you can track your routine, manage upcoming orders, and even earn rewards. They also check in every month so you can reflect on your health goals, modify your vitamin plan, and adjust your routines to what you need. Additionally, the pleasant daily reminders and fun tracking modules make it easy to remember to take my vitamins. So, I get healthier while racking up points to get free stuff? Sign me up!

The Ultimate Winner… Care/of

Even though both vitamin subscriptions have their own benefits and drawbacks, my resounding “yes!” goes to Care/of. The super personalization quiz, sustainable practices, and their variety of vitamin and mineral supplements put it over the top for me. The free app was the cherry on top because it helped me stay on track while getting an extra something back from my subscription. Though Ritual is also a great option if you prefer a multivitamin blend, Care/of is easier to customize with individual supplements to support your individual brain, skin, joints, bones, digestion, immunity, and energy needs.