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OwlCrate YA Book Box Review + Coupon – November 2020

Brandi D.
ByBrandi D.Dec 13, 2020 | 9 comments

4.5 overall rating
35 Ratings | 6 Reviews

OwlCrate is a YA book subscription box. Each month they send you a newly released YA book along with some bookish goodies.

FYI - COVID-19 Updates: You can find OwlCrate shipping updates right here.

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the review process post to learn more about how we review boxes.)

About OwlCrate YA

The Subscription Box: OwlCrate YA

The Cost: $29.99 + shipping. Save with longer subscriptions.

The Products: A new YA book and 3-5 book-related goodies. Recommended for ages 14+.

Ships to: The U.S. for $7.99, Canada for $9.99, and worldwide for $19.99 

OwlCrate YA "Growing Wild" November 2020 Review


Each box comes with a card detailing the theme and the items included. This month’s theme is “Growing Wild."


We received this booklet featuring an interview with the author, a fun birth month flower guide, and an interview with one of our vendors for this month. They also included some information about their monthly photo challenge and a link to a Spotify reading playlist.


Among the Beast & Briars by Ashly Poston - Retail Value $17.99

This month's book is really gorgeous with sprayed edges and an exclusive cover, plus it's signed by the author. There is also some more beautiful artwork on the inside of the book jacket that was designed by Catherine Peterslund.

From Amazon:

Cerys is safe in the Kingdom of Aloriya. Here there are no droughts, disease, or famine, and peace is everlasting. It has been this way for hundreds of years, since the first king made a bargain with the Lady who ruled the forest that borders the kingdom. But as Aloriya prospered, the woods grew dark, cursed, and forbidden.

Cerys knows this all too well: When she was young, she barely escaped as the woods killed her friends and her mother. Now Cerys carries a small bit of the curse—the magic—in her blood, a reminder of the day she lost everything.

As a new queen is crowned, however, things long hidden in the woods descend on the kingdom itself. Cerys is forced on the run, her only companions a small and irritating fox from the royal garden and the magic in her veins. It’s up to her to find the legendary Lady of the Wilds and beg for a way to save her home.

But the road is darker and more dangerous than she knows, and as secrets from the past are uncovered amid the teeth and roots of the forest, it’s going to take everything she has just to survive.

Cerys is a good-hearted protagonist who cares a great deal about her father and her best friend, Anwen, who is to be queen. She lets a fox follow her around everywhere even when he is a nuisance and she is obedient and mindful of the traditional role that a gardener's daughter like her must play in their society. On the day of Anwen's coronation, everything goes wrong and the Wildwoods which are dangerous and filled with bone-eaters that take over everyone in the kingdom, but for some reason, she is not affected. She escapes to the woods with her fox companion and now she has to face some people from her past in order to save everyone. This book is exciting and the imagery is magical and beautiful. I am really enjoying this story, although I am just really getting into the action right now. I am intrigued and hooked on this tale!


We received this letter from the author which always feels like a special touch.


We received this really cool promotional card for the upcoming release of Tales From the Hinterland. How haunting is that design?


OwlCrate Exclusive! Botanical Postcards

These postcards were inspired by The Lord of the Rings and designed by Rheannon Ormond. They feature Middle Earth plants that are so gorgeous! While these are meant to be cards, they would be just as beautiful framed as art prints. I haven't decided what to do with them just yet, but I have been admiring them as they sit on my desk! The vintage feel to them is just too good!


OwlCrate Exclusive! Dandelion Pendant Necklace

This little box is so beautiful already with this Wild Beauty quote designed by Studio Kyra on the outside, but inside is a special pendant necklace. The necklace features a simple design, but up close you can see some tiny pieces of dandelion standing tall. It's such a sweet necklace and I think it would make such a pretty and inspiring gift for someone. It is very long, but I think the chain could be shortened easily. (swipe to see it on for a sense of scale!)


OwlCrate Exclusive! Wooden Flower Press Kit

How beautiful is this design from Peppermint Lines? It was inspired by A Darker Shade of Magic and I think it is just such a wonderfully unique item! The flower press looks simple enough to put together and they included some instructions and tips for us to use to dry our own flowers. I am looking forward to using this in the spring when there are pretty blooms to preserve!


OwlCrate Exclusive! Reading Planner

It's that time of year when they send out their yearly reading planner! This year's design has some desert vibes and I love the colors that they used. This comes from Blue Star Press, but was designed by Team OwlCrate and features all the pages you could need! There is a monthly calendar, a weekly planner, a section for book reviews and notes, favorite quotes, a book wishlist, and even a monthly wrap up. There is even some space for some end of the year notes about the best and worst books you read. This is perfect for those who take their reading seriously!


OwlCrate Exclusive! Pipstickers

To go with our planner, Pipsticks designed these beautiful stickers for us complete with lots of OwlCrate themed ones, too. I really love these and think they fit our theme so nicely! They even included a discount code for subscribers for their monthly sticker subscription (check out our reviews here).


OwlCrate Exclusive! Monthly Enamel Pin

Each month you'll receive an enamel pin to go along with your book. This design is so beautiful and fitting for our story! This was designed by Morgane Brret Shop.

Verdict: This month's OwlCrate box was full of beauty and magic that was fitting for our Growing Wild theme. I am always in awe of what gorgeous designs these artists come up with and since I have an affinity for florals, I was especially pleased with everything this month! I think the flower press is so unique and such a great item to have. My second favorite is probably those postcards because they are so beautiful, but the dandelion pendant and planner are great as well! The value in this box is definitely in the curation and exclusive designs that they deliver each month, and of course, the unique books that they find!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this box if you sign up today? No, but you can join the waitlist for the January box here.

Value Breakdown: This box costs $37.98 ($29.99 + $7.99 shipping), which means that each of the 7 items in the box has an average cost of about $5.43.

Check out all of our Owl Crate reviews and more of our best book subscription boxes!

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions: Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

What did you think of OwlCrate this month?  

Starting at $32.99
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OwlCrate is a monthly subscription box for people who love Young Adult literature. Every month they send you a highly anticipated new YA release, as well as 3-5 bookish items (such as fandom jewelry, collectible toys, bookmarks, and more!). Each box will also include exclusive content from authors a... read more.
Brandi D.
Brandi D.

I am a homeschooling mom to 4 kids; 1 girl and 3 boys. While I have been reviewing boxes since 2018 and I love the luxury of trying new products, I'm also balancing it out by dabbling in a little bit of homesteading, too. We now have 4 chickens and a rabbit and my sourdough starter is going strong! I love learning about new brands and sharing the great things I find with others in hopes that they find something new to love or to fit their needs!

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I really loved every item that was included this month! I am definitely going to frame and display those botanical prints. What a beautiful piece of decor that is classy and traditional while also being secretly nerdy.

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I hope they have extras of the planner and stickers in the shop soon. I love those planners, but I’m not a subscriber.

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So I know the recommended age is 14+ but ive been thinking about getting this box for my 11 year old son. He has a really high reading level and I cant find a box that is a better fit. But since this is recommended for ages 14+ do you think the books would be inappropriate for him? Or do they recommend that age because of the reading level? I just dont want to get him anything that would end up being inappropriate for his age since he is only 11. He is reading so much that he will reread the books he has so I fill like this would be something he would love and the books look like they would be right up his alley.

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Ok thank you so much everyone for replying. I will definitely take a look at owlcrate jr. and other book subs on crate joy. If I dont find any that are more suitable I will probably just do as Charrlote mentioned and just read the books before him. It’s not so much that im worried that they will be to inappropriate at 14+ because all the books he reads now are from the YA section of the library so hes told me. Its more that im going to court to get more time with him and I refuse to give his dad and step mom any motivation in court. Any way thanks again for all the opinions and recommendations, helps a lot.

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In addition to Owl Crate Jr, there are some boxes on Crate Joy that either cater to middle grades fiction or have the ability to select for the age range. You can usually email the box owners for information and make some requests, so you can try to get the best fit.

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Try Owl Crate Jr.

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Bethani, it really varies month to month. I think most books they send would be perfectly appropriate for an 11 year old, but there have been months where they send books that deal with mature themes (such as abuse and mental illness), or which contain depictions of sex or violence that may be too intense for a tween. So, it really depends on what you as a parent are comfortable with. I would say go ahead and sub but also review each month’s book to make sure it’s appropriate, however you define appropriate for your son. Goodreads reviews are a great resource for determining whether there’s any mature material in a book.

I will also say that I too was a very advanced reader at 11, read many books that were totally inappropriate (to say nothing of the fanfiction!), and I turned out okay. The worst that happened is I asked my parents some really embarrassing questions.

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Brandi D.

Hi Bethani,

I think that the age is recommended based on the topics and content, not necessarily the reading level. Some months definitely have some more mature themes than others. Have you checked out OwlCrate Jr? While the recommended age starts at 8, I find the books engaging as an adult and while they are usually easy reads, your son still might enjoy them! 🙂

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I would say if he has an elevated reading level and is interested in the topics of most of these young adult novels, then I would say go for it. Please keep in mind some of the books I received in the past from this box do have sex scenes or those that can verge on the more mature side. If you are comfortable with your child reading about those topics, honestly nothing was more graphic than anything you can see on cable programs, then it could be an excellent option.

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