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How to Know if You’re Nutrient Deficient: 4 Signs Worth Examining

Joseph Okhipo
ByJoseph OkhipoJan 8, 2024In Partnership With Care/of - Personalized Daily Vitamins

A few months ago, I was feeling a bit off: more tired than usual, having trouble focusing, and generally not feeling like myself. Initially, I blamed it on the change in the weather but after talking it over with my partner, she mentioned that I could be lacking in the nutrition department.

I make it a point to eat a healthy diet, but there are deficiencies that even the cleanest and greenest diet can’t cover. 🥬 That’s where Care/of comes in–a simple and personalized way to bridge nutritional gaps.

Here are some telltale signs of nutrient deficiencies and how Care/of can help:

1. Fatigue

Low energy and occasional exhaustion are common signs of nutritional deficiencies. Sure, you have days when you’re tired, or you might feel that post-lunch dip in energy, but proper nutrition may help.

Our energy levels are affected by a whole host of nutrients. Rather than wasting time trying to guess which ones I need and pack them into my diet, I can get a personalized plan from Care/of.

All I had to do was take their lifestyle quiz and, within minutes, their website gave me a customized regimen that includes everything I need to get my daily dose of vitamins and minerals.

2. Dry hair

If you’re noticing your hair is drier than usual, it could be due to many factors – such as your environment or your shampoo. Supplementation can possibly help.

Unlike many supplement brands, Care/of helps target areas where you need support. For me, strengthening my hair and scalp is a priority, so my personalized plan includes supplements like keratin and collagen that can give me the boost I need.

3. Lack of focus

I take great care to organize my schedule so I can blast through my list of to-dos, but I was sometimes finding it hard to concentrate during the times I’d set aside to work. There are a lot of products that promise to help with focus, but how could I know if they were trustworthy?

Care/of is third party tested, certified C.L.E.A.N and is made without any unnecessary fillers. I feel confident knowing that what I’m putting in my body is natural and has been tested for efficacy.

4. Muscle cramping

I remember after one particularly intense workout, I experienced muscle cramping and I knew I needed to address it. At first, I thought I just needed to hydrate more, but the problem persisted. That's when I considered that my nutrition might be playing a role.

Magnesium is essential for muscle health, and it turns out I wasn't getting enough of it in my diet. This nutrient may help support physical performance and muscle strength while potentially reducing muscle cramps during exercise. Cramping may happen if you sweat heavily, which can cause loss of magnesium, sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Why I’m Choosing Care/of

Consistency is the name of the game and Care/of makes it easier, and even a little fun, with their rewards system. Using their app, I can keep track of my vitamin routine and earn rewards like store credit, product samples, and even charitable donations for staying consistent.

Pricing varies depending on what’s in your pack, but I get all of these benefits for around $2 a day, and that’s a pretty tough deal to beat. You can learn more about how Care/of can help fill nutrient gaps on their website. Plus, my first order came with Care/of’s 30-day money back guarantee, so there was no risk if I decided it wasn’t working for me.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues like I was, it might be time to boost your nutrition game and give Care/of a try. Your body will thank you!