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Care/of vs. HUM: Which Personalized Daily Supplements Am I Reaching For?

Two personalized supplement routines go head-to-head! 💪

Anna Smith
ByAnna SmithJan 29, 2024Sponsored by Care/of

The modern world really does a number on our bodies. From hectic lifestyles, to processed foods and lackluster diets, to stress-fueled news cycles—it’s a lot.

But is there a better way to prime our bodies to manage the pitfalls of daily living? I’m no scientist and certainly not a doctor, but I do know that one of the simplest ways to love myself without a time commitment is by taking quality supplements.

Enter Care/of and HUM Nutrition, two of the leading brands in nutritional supplements. While they’re both solid options that offer a level of personalization, there is definitely a clear winner when you compare them side by side.

If you’re looking for the greatest level of personalization… Care/of

Getting started with both HUM and Care/of requires taking a quiz that asks questions about your diet and what your health goals are. In my opinion, though, the Care/of quiz was way more detailed. Once my goals were identified, it dove deeper into uncovering what I needed.

I answered questions about my gut health, my daily stress, dietary restrictions, lifestyle, and more—I just felt really taken care of (see what I did there?)

Once Care/of took my information into consideration, they created a custom, signature supplement plan tailored to my specific needs. It doesn’t get more individualized than that!

If you’re under a lot of stress throughout your day-to-day… Care/of

When you’re going through a stressful situation that you can’t control, it can negatively affect your body. In particular, your nervous and immune systems can be affected by stress. I always find that when I’m going through a particularly difficult period, my job performance tanks and I don’t feel like myself.

This is where those letter vitamins in my custom plan really shine. Care/of formulated both their B-Complex and Vitamin C supplements to do exactly what my body needs them to do when I’m feeling over threshold: support its most vital systems. B-Complex nurtures the nervous system with key B vitamins that can help regulate cortisol. When you’re experiencing occasional stress, Vitamin C can help support your immune system.

If you want the highest quality ingredients…it’s a tie

Both of these brands strive to offer the best possible ingredients. They use clean ingredients and have unique formulas that are backed by science and multiple rounds of testing. When it comes to the health of their customers, they mean business!

No matter which brand you go with here, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re giving your body exactly what it needs, and nothing extra.

Bonus points to Care/of: their vitamins come in a cute little daily pack that’s personalized with my name on it, making it easy and convenient for me to stick to my routine.

If you’re a person who menstruates or takes oral contraceptives… Care/of

I was recently shocked to discover that not only can your monthly cycle leave you vulnerable to iron deficiency, but oral contraceptives can deplete nutrients, too. Seriously, why don’t they teach us this stuff in school?

My subscription plan includes the Care/of Multivitamin + Iron, which contains the evidence based dosage of iron your body needs in an easily digestible form. Plus, it’s priced at a super reasonable $15 for a 30 day supply.

If you want super targeted digestive support… Care/of

There are a number of reasons why you should take supplements, but if your goal is to improve your digestive health, Care/of is the way to go.

Care/of offers formulas that target the most common digestive concerns. Their formulas have pre and probiotics to support a healthy gut, and digestive enzymes that help break down foods so that your body can get the nutrients it needs.

HUM has vitamins that target digestion, too, but I found that they tackle digestion in a more broad strokes-type way.

And the overall winner is… Care/of

Care/of really takes the crown here!

The level of personalization and the quality of the formulas made specifically to meet my needs makes it a clear winner for me. If you’re looking for targeted support for stress, women’s health concerns, digestion, or are otherwise looking to fill in the gaps where your diet falls short, Care/of has a supplement for you.

Plus, the daily packs are so convenient and the rewards system keeps me motivated to stick to my routine. Give your body what it needs today!